The CFP® designation is considered by many to be the most respected and sought-after designation in the financial planning profession. The Financial Planning Association promotes the CFP® mark as the cornerstone of the financial planning profession.
The CFP certification offers the public a consistent and credible symbol of professional competence in financial planning.
As a CFP®, Scott is bound by the guidelines promulgated by the Board of Certified Financial Planners.
These guidelines follow six general activities:
1 – Establishing the Client-Planner Relationship
2 – Gathering Client Data
3 – Analyzing and Evaluating Client Financial Status
4 – Developing and Presenting the Financial Plan
5 – Implementing the Financial Plan
6 – Monitoring the Financial Plan
In adhering to these guidelines as well as maintaining the license requirements and continuing education, clients are assured of receiving a Financial Plan that both addresses their financial concerns and also clearly outlines the path for fulfillment of their desires. This is done in a comprehensive, detailed, thorough, and professional manner.
For more infomration on the CFP Designation visit www.cfp.net